Safeguarding and Early Help Offer

Our pupils' safety and well-being is our primary concern. If you have any concerns about a child's well-being or safety whilst at St Mary's, please report them immediately to:

Mrs Read, Headteacher and Senior Designated Professional for Safeguarding; Looked After Children and 'Prevent'.

or Mrs Lankester, Deputy Headteacher and Alternate Senior Designated Professional for Safeguarding

or Mrs Wilson, Senior Teacher and Alternate Senior Designated Professional for Safeguarding

Our SENDCO is Mrs Welsh

The Governor with responsibility for safeguarding is Miss V. Howe

The Chair of Governors is Mrs J. Berkeley and she can be contacted via the school's address

Our Early Help Offer

There are times when children and their families may need extra support. We have an Early Help offer that provides a range of support. It includes:

  • Senior Mental Health Lead
  • SENDCo
  • Thrive and ELSA practitioners
  • Nurture Support
  • Meet and Greet Club
  • Lunchtime Play Leaders
  • Comprehensive induction program for children starting Reception 
  • Signs of Safety toolkit
  • In house safeguarding protocols 
  • Bespoke learning interventions e.g. reading, maths, phonics
  • Speech and Language Therapy
  • Parent Information Sessions and information on the website (academic and pastoral, eg Phonics workshops)
  • Pupil Voice and Lesdership Opportunities 
  • Gym Trail 
  • Government Fruit and Vegetable Scheme
  • Pre loved Uniform Shop
  • Educational Welfare Officer support
  • Curriculum provision and additional work from outside agencies support our children in learning how to keep themselves safe
  • YMCA counselling
  • Support with the CAF referral process
  • PSHE curriculum enriched by national campaigns

The School may seek support from external agencies, including:

  • The Early Help Team
  • Children and Young People's Services
  • County Inclusive Support Service
  • Counselling Services
  • School Nurse
  • Speech and Language Therapist 
  • Educational Psychologist
  • Young Carers
  • Local Authority Family Services team
  • Educational Welfare Officer

Safeguarding and Child Protection documents

Acceptable Use Policy Updated September 2023.docx.pdf .pdf
Anti bullying Policy 2023.docx.pdf .pdf
MAT Attendance Policy 2023 - 2025.pdf .pdf
Behaviour Policy 23.docx.pdf .pdf
Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy September 2023.docx 2.pdf .pdf
Suffolk Child Missing In Education Protocol 2021.pdf .pdf
Child-on Child Abuse Policy September 2022.pdf .pdf
Keeping_children_safe_in_education_2023_-_statutory_guidance_for_schools_and_colleges.pdf .pdf
Looked After Children Policy September 2023.pdf .pdf
Online Policy September 2023.doc.pdf .pdf

How can I help to keep my child safe online?

The NSPCC have some excellent resources to support families with online safety


For online safety tips follow the Two Johns on twitter:

Parent information STOP ABUSE TOGETHER website


County lines

Find out about County Lines and how to protect your child:

Gangs / County Lines – Information and Advice | Suffolk Constabulary

Child sexual abuse and expoloitation, including child-onchild abuse

For information and support about child sexual abuse and exploitation, including child-onchild abuse, visit the Lucy Faithfull Foundation

Safeguarding and Early Help Offer

Our pupils' safety and well-being is our primary concern. If you have any concerns about a child's well-being or safety whilst at St Mary's, please report them immediately to:

Mrs Read, Headteacher and Senior Designated Professional for Safeguarding; Looked After Children and 'Prevent'.

or Mrs Lankester, Deputy Headteacher and Alternate Senior Designated Professional for Safeguarding

or Mrs Wilson, Senior Teacher and Alternate Senior Designated Professional for Safeguarding

Our SENDCO is Mrs Welsh

The Governor with responsibility for safeguarding is Miss V. Howe

The Chair of Governors is Mrs J. Berkeley and she can be contacted via the school's address

Our Early Help Offer

There are times when children and their families may need extra support. We have an Early Help offer that provides a range of support. It includes:

  • Senior Mental Health Lead
  • SENDCo
  • Thrive and ELSA practitioners
  • Nurture Support
  • Meet and Greet Club
  • Lunchtime Play Leaders
  • Comprehensive induction program for children starting Reception 
  • Signs of Safety toolkit
  • In house safeguarding protocols 
  • Bespoke learning interventions e.g. reading, maths, phonics
  • Speech and Language Therapy
  • Parent Information Sessions and information on the website (academic and pastoral, eg Phonics workshops)
  • Pupil Voice and Lesdership Opportunities 
  • Gym Trail 
  • Government Fruit and Vegetable Scheme
  • Pre loved Uniform Shop
  • Educational Welfare Officer support
  • Curriculum provision and additional work from outside agencies support our children in learning how to keep themselves safe
  • YMCA counselling
  • Support with the CAF referral process
  • PSHE curriculum enriched by national campaigns

The School may seek support from external agencies, including:

  • The Early Help Team
  • Children and Young People's Services
  • County Inclusive Support Service
  • Counselling Services
  • School Nurse
  • Speech and Language Therapist 
  • Educational Psychologist
  • Young Carers
  • Local Authority Family Services team
  • Educational Welfare Officer

Safeguarding and Child Protection documents

Acceptable Use Policy Updated September 2023.docx.pdf .pdf
Anti bullying Policy 2023.docx.pdf .pdf
MAT Attendance Policy 2023 - 2025.pdf .pdf
Behaviour Policy 23.docx.pdf .pdf
Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy September 2023.docx 2.pdf .pdf
Suffolk Child Missing In Education Protocol 2021.pdf .pdf
Child-on Child Abuse Policy September 2022.pdf .pdf
Keeping_children_safe_in_education_2023_-_statutory_guidance_for_schools_and_colleges.pdf .pdf
Looked After Children Policy September 2023.pdf .pdf
Online Policy September 2023.doc.pdf .pdf

How can I help to keep my child safe online?

The NSPCC have some excellent resources to support families with online safety


For online safety tips follow the Two Johns on twitter:

Parent information STOP ABUSE TOGETHER website


County lines

Find out about County Lines and how to protect your child:

Gangs / County Lines – Information and Advice | Suffolk Constabulary

Child sexual abuse and expoloitation, including child-onchild abuse

For information and support about child sexual abuse and exploitation, including child-onchild abuse, visit the Lucy Faithfull Foundation