Intent, Implementation and Impact Statement for MFL
At St Mary’s CofE Primary we focus on French as our core language offer. We want children to develop a curiosity and understanding of other languages and cultures to help to prepare them to be a global citizen – ready to take on the challenge of learning other languages in the future and visiting other countries. We want children to appreciate the cultural capital of other countries and to begin to communicate and express their ideas in French
Our MFL curriculum reflects our five school values.
Value |
Respect |
In MFL, children will: · Listen respectfully · Empathise · Collaborate · Co-operate The MFL curriculum will: · Help to promote children’s tolerance and mutual respect for other cultures |
Responsibility |
In MFL, children will: · Be kind and tolerant as we learn together The MFL curriculum will: · Help children to explore identities and role as global citizens. |
Creativity |
In MFL, children will: · Imagine · Problem solve · Find patterns · Make careful Observations · Ask questions The MFL curriculum will: · Promote curiosity, problem solving and imagination when learning about French and other cultures. |
Perseverance |
In MFL, children will: · Be resilient · Persevere · Fail and try again · Give their best effort The MFL curriculum will: · Offer challenges through first hand experiences. |
Wisdom |
In MFL, children will: · Question · Debate · Think about how they learn best The MFL curriculum will: · Offer opportunities for children to think and empathise with other cultures. |
Although MFL is not part of the KS1 curriculum science. Children are given opportunities to listen, sing and watch a variety of material from different countries and to develop an awareness of different countries and cultures. MFL is taught discretely in Years 3 to 6 during a French lesson every two weeks.
We use plans developed by a MFL specialist teacher from a school within our MAT. The plans are separated into on-going learning which can be developed throughout the week with the class, such as greetings and a lesson that has a context. Separating the on-going language from the contexts allows the focus in regular language lessons to be on developing language learning skills and fundamental grammatical understanding. Repeating key structures and grammar across years enables these fundamental skills to become fully embedded over a period of time. Children are taught how to build sentences from the word go and become confident in their ability to manipulate the language. Teaching independent dictionary skills enables learners to expand their own vocabularies.
MFL lessons will provide opportunities for children to learn in a variety of ways, including collaboratively and practically.
We work with our neighboring high school and with other linguists from the community to run extra-curricular language clubs such as our Japanese Club and our German Club. We also make opportunities to perform poems or songs in other languages during our termly celebration events in church.
The impact of our MFL curriculum can be seen by talking to the children about their interest in this subject and seeing evidence in their files, on learning walls in classrooms and on displays around the school. We also make opportunities to perform poems or songs in other languages during our termly celebration events in church.
Teachers use formative assessment methods to identify children’s understanding such as speaking and listening tasks; writing tasks and discussion. Children’s attainment is updated on Target Tracker throughout the year and attainment steps are updated termly. This allows the class teacher and subject lead to monitor the progress of all children across the school.
MFL is monitored by the subject leader each term and the outcomes inform action planning and the SDP. The MFL Leader meets with other MFL subject leaders from the MAT each term.
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FRENCH Long Term Plan.pdf |
Intent, Implementation and Impact Statement for MFL
At St Mary’s CofE Primary we focus on French as our core language offer. We want children to develop a curiosity and understanding of other languages and cultures to help to prepare them to be a global citizen – ready to take on the challenge of learning other languages in the future and visiting other countries. We want children to appreciate the cultural capital of other countries and to begin to communicate and express their ideas in French
Our MFL curriculum reflects our five school values.
Value |
Respect |
In MFL, children will: · Listen respectfully · Empathise · Collaborate · Co-operate The MFL curriculum will: · Help to promote children’s tolerance and mutual respect for other cultures |
Responsibility |
In MFL, children will: · Be kind and tolerant as we learn together The MFL curriculum will: · Help children to explore identities and role as global citizens. |
Creativity |
In MFL, children will: · Imagine · Problem solve · Find patterns · Make careful Observations · Ask questions The MFL curriculum will: · Promote curiosity, problem solving and imagination when learning about French and other cultures. |
Perseverance |
In MFL, children will: · Be resilient · Persevere · Fail and try again · Give their best effort The MFL curriculum will: · Offer challenges through first hand experiences. |
Wisdom |
In MFL, children will: · Question · Debate · Think about how they learn best The MFL curriculum will: · Offer opportunities for children to think and empathise with other cultures. |
Although MFL is not part of the KS1 curriculum science. Children are given opportunities to listen, sing and watch a variety of material from different countries and to develop an awareness of different countries and cultures. MFL is taught discretely in Years 3 to 6 during a French lesson every two weeks.
We use plans developed by a MFL specialist teacher from a school within our MAT. The plans are separated into on-going learning which can be developed throughout the week with the class, such as greetings and a lesson that has a context. Separating the on-going language from the contexts allows the focus in regular language lessons to be on developing language learning skills and fundamental grammatical understanding. Repeating key structures and grammar across years enables these fundamental skills to become fully embedded over a period of time. Children are taught how to build sentences from the word go and become confident in their ability to manipulate the language. Teaching independent dictionary skills enables learners to expand their own vocabularies.
MFL lessons will provide opportunities for children to learn in a variety of ways, including collaboratively and practically.
We work with our neighboring high school and with other linguists from the community to run extra-curricular language clubs such as our Japanese Club and our German Club. We also make opportunities to perform poems or songs in other languages during our termly celebration events in church.
The impact of our MFL curriculum can be seen by talking to the children about their interest in this subject and seeing evidence in their files, on learning walls in classrooms and on displays around the school. We also make opportunities to perform poems or songs in other languages during our termly celebration events in church.
Teachers use formative assessment methods to identify children’s understanding such as speaking and listening tasks; writing tasks and discussion. Children’s attainment is updated on Target Tracker throughout the year and attainment steps are updated termly. This allows the class teacher and subject lead to monitor the progress of all children across the school.
MFL is monitored by the subject leader each term and the outcomes inform action planning and the SDP. The MFL Leader meets with other MFL subject leaders from the MAT each term.
Name | Format | ||
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FRENCH Long Term Plan.pdf |