Intent, Implementation and Impact Statement for PSHE
(Personal, Social and Health and Economic Education)
At St Mary’s CofE Primary we believe that Personal, Social, Health and Economic (PSHE) education is a subject through which pupils develop the knowledge, skills and attributes they need to manage their lives, now and in the future. It helps children and young people to stay healthy and safe, while preparing them to make the most of life and work. When taught well, PSHE education also helps pupils to achieve their academic potential and reinforces and supports our safeguarding.
Our PSHE curriculum reflects our five school values and British Values
Value |
In PSHE, children will: · Listen respectfully · Empathise · Collaborate · Co-operate The PSHE curriculum will: Help children to understand and develop safe and respectful relationships and to promote each child’s self-respect. |
In PSHE, children will: · Learn to take responsibility for their health and well-being, including their online safety and finances. · Consider how they take responsibility for protecting the planet The PSHE curriculum will: Explore the importance of looking after mental and physical health. And developing a healthy lifestyle. |
Creativity |
In PSHE, children will: · Imagine · Problem solve · Find patterns · Make careful Observations · Ask questions The PSHE curriculum will: Encourage children to think about how they feel and how they can manage their feelings.
In PSHE, children will: · Be resilient · Persevere · Give their best effort The PSHE curriculum will: Give children the opportunity to develop self-awareness |
Wisdom |
In PSHE, children will: · Question · Debate · Think about how they learn best The PSHE curriculum will: Offer opportunities to be understand how their choices can impact upon their own and others emotional and physical well being and safety and the world they live in. |
PSHE is taught discretely in Years 1 to 6 during PSHE lessons. However, many elements of the PSHE curriculum are included in our daily support for children within every class e.g. managing friendship problems. It is also often supported by learning during collective worship or inviting visitors into school.
We have developed a long-term plan which is based on the Jigsaw scheme of work and is supplemented with materials produced by the PSHE Association, of which the school is a member. Throughout the year, we use materials from the many charities and businesses involved in supporting PSHE learning, including NSPCC; Safer Internet Day; Anti-Bullying Week and Mental Health Awareness Day.
Zones of regulation and regulation stations are used in every class to help children to recognise how they are feeling and to develop strategies to deal with negative feelings.
Relationships and Health Education is taught to every year group and we use materials produced by Jigsaw. We were an early adopter for RSE and led a working group for our MAT schools. Parents have the opportunity to view the teaching materials every year and may withdraw their child from the content exploring sex but nor the relationships and health content which is statutory.
Evidence of learning is recorded in PSHE scrap books in key stage one and in individual pupil books in key stage two.
The impact of our PSHE curriculum can be seen by talking to the children about their interest in this subject and seeing evidence in the class scrap books, on learning walls in classrooms and on displays around the school.
Teacher’s use formative assessment methods to identify children’s understanding such as KWI grids, quizzes, PNI grids and discussion. Baseline assessment strategies are used at the start of units to develop an understanding of children’s knowledge. PSHE is monitored by the subject leader each term and the outcomes inform action planning and the SDP. It closely links to safeguarding and picks up any safeguarding concerns that may be happening in the school or the community e.g. online safety issues or gangs
Name | Format | ||
Files | |||
PSHE Overview.pdf | |||
jigsaw-information-leaflet-for-parents-and-carers-2021 1.pdf | |||
Jigsaw Relationships and Health Education overview.pdf |