Intent, Implementation and Impact Statement for Physical Education.
At St Mary’s CofE Primary we believe that every child should develop an enjoyment of Physical Education (PE). As a school we strive to develop physical competence and promote physical development whilst encouraging all pupils to take advantage of the range of activities available at and through links with our school.
We aim to:
Value |
Respect |
In PE, children will: · Listen respectfully · Collaborate · Co-operate · Learn to treat others with tolerance and respect · Follow instructions The PE curriculum will: Teach our pupils the importance of safe and respectful relationships in sport. It will have a local, national and global dimension and promote mutual respect and understanding by learning about a wide range of global sports and activities. We will also play and compete regularly at a local level and compare results nationally.
Responsibility |
In PE, children will: · Take responsibility for their health and wellbeing · Be kind and gentle when playing with others · Abide by agreed and established rules The PE curriculum will: Help us to recognise the responsibility of our actions on our own health and well being. We will be encouraged to make important choices for our own and others health benefits through options such as active lunchtimes and activity trackers.
Creativity |
In PE, children will: · Problem solve · Find patterns · Make sporting and health observations · Ask questions The PE curriculum will: Promote problem solving and observation skills and will encourage children to use their own initiative when playing and taking part in physical activity.
Perseverance |
In PE, children will: · Be resilient · Persevere · Fail and try again · Give their best effort The PE curriculum will: Offer challenges through first hand experiences as well as learning to appreciate and utilise inner strength within themselves and others when taking part in physical activity.
Wisdom |
In PE, children will: · Question · Think about how they learn best · Make good choices about their actions The PE curriculum will: Encourage children to make good choices with their actions. It will regularly provide opportunities and activities that require thought and explanation.
PE is taught for a minimum of two hours of discreet teaching every week for the Year groups 1-6. Our planning covers and includes the following main areas as outlined in the National Curriculum: games, gymnastics, dance, athletics, outdoor and adventurous activities (OAA) and swimming and water safety. We also make strong links with other subjects such as PSHE to include and reinforce key messages about the importance of our physical and mental health and wellbeing.
We use a variety of teaching and learning styles in PE lessons. Our principal aim is to develop the children’s knowledge, skills and understanding, and we do this through a mixture of whole-class teaching and individual or group activities. Teachers draw attention to good examples of individual performance as models for the other children, and we encourage the children to evaluate their own work as well as the work of other children.
Within lessons, we give the children the opportunity both to collaborate and to compete with each other, and they have the opportunity to use a wide range of resources. As well as following schemes of work to ensure that children are active and learn appropriate sporting skills, PE at St Mary’s is also clearly evident outside of set lesson times. Coaches are welcomed into school as often as possible to develop children’s skills in different sports such as Tennis and we provide Activity sessions during lunchtimes for all pupils. All year groups, also take part in the Daily Mile initiative.
The school endeavours to provide as wide a range as possible of extra-curricular PE activities. St Mary’s runs various sporting clubs including athletics, cross country, tennis, cricket, football and multi-skills and games club. Clubs are run by teachers, coaches or other people who have expertise in such areas. They may run as an after school or lunchtime club.
At St Mary’s, we have enjoyed participating in many sporting competitions over the years and children from different year groups are encouraged to participate. Competitions are sometimes held during school hours or at lunchtimes or after school. Children are encouraged to compete against themselves and each other to improve their own performance levels in team games and at an annual Sports Day. The school also plays regular fixtures against other local schools and competes regularly through the National School Games programme of activities. This introduces a competitive element to team games, and allows the children to put into practice the skills that they have developed in their lessons. These opportunities foster a sense of team spirit and cooperation amongst our children.
The impact of our PE curriculum can be seen by talking to the children about their interest in this subject and seeing evidence in their class scrapbooks, School PE scrapbook, our competitive record and participation locally, achievements in the School Games programme (achieving Gold standard consistently), our School Sports Day, Play Leaders, Sports Clubs and participation, Active Lunchtimes, Daily Mile, Sports Committee and Sporting displays.
Teacher’s use formative assessment methods to identify children’s understanding such as activity trackers, team games, individual skill sessions, performances. Children’s attainment is updated on Target Tracker throughout the year and attainment steps are updated termly. This allows the class teacher and subject lead to monitor the progress of all children across the school.
PE is monitored by the subject leader each term and the outcomes inform action planning and the SDP.
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PE Long Term Plan.pdf |
Intent, Implementation and Impact Statement for Physical Education.
At St Mary’s CofE Primary we believe that every child should develop an enjoyment of Physical Education (PE). As a school we strive to develop physical competence and promote physical development whilst encouraging all pupils to take advantage of the range of activities available at and through links with our school.
We aim to:
Value |
Respect |
In PE, children will: · Listen respectfully · Collaborate · Co-operate · Learn to treat others with tolerance and respect · Follow instructions The PE curriculum will: Teach our pupils the importance of safe and respectful relationships in sport. It will have a local, national and global dimension and promote mutual respect and understanding by learning about a wide range of global sports and activities. We will also play and compete regularly at a local level and compare results nationally.
Responsibility |
In PE, children will: · Take responsibility for their health and wellbeing · Be kind and gentle when playing with others · Abide by agreed and established rules The PE curriculum will: Help us to recognise the responsibility of our actions on our own health and well being. We will be encouraged to make important choices for our own and others health benefits through options such as active lunchtimes and activity trackers.
Creativity |
In PE, children will: · Problem solve · Find patterns · Make sporting and health observations · Ask questions The PE curriculum will: Promote problem solving and observation skills and will encourage children to use their own initiative when playing and taking part in physical activity.
Perseverance |
In PE, children will: · Be resilient · Persevere · Fail and try again · Give their best effort The PE curriculum will: Offer challenges through first hand experiences as well as learning to appreciate and utilise inner strength within themselves and others when taking part in physical activity.
Wisdom |
In PE, children will: · Question · Think about how they learn best · Make good choices about their actions The PE curriculum will: Encourage children to make good choices with their actions. It will regularly provide opportunities and activities that require thought and explanation.
PE is taught for a minimum of two hours of discreet teaching every week for the Year groups 1-6. Our planning covers and includes the following main areas as outlined in the National Curriculum: games, gymnastics, dance, athletics, outdoor and adventurous activities (OAA) and swimming and water safety. We also make strong links with other subjects such as PSHE to include and reinforce key messages about the importance of our physical and mental health and wellbeing.
We use a variety of teaching and learning styles in PE lessons. Our principal aim is to develop the children’s knowledge, skills and understanding, and we do this through a mixture of whole-class teaching and individual or group activities. Teachers draw attention to good examples of individual performance as models for the other children, and we encourage the children to evaluate their own work as well as the work of other children.
Within lessons, we give the children the opportunity both to collaborate and to compete with each other, and they have the opportunity to use a wide range of resources. As well as following schemes of work to ensure that children are active and learn appropriate sporting skills, PE at St Mary’s is also clearly evident outside of set lesson times. Coaches are welcomed into school as often as possible to develop children’s skills in different sports such as Tennis and we provide Activity sessions during lunchtimes for all pupils. All year groups, also take part in the Daily Mile initiative.
The school endeavours to provide as wide a range as possible of extra-curricular PE activities. St Mary’s runs various sporting clubs including athletics, cross country, tennis, cricket, football and multi-skills and games club. Clubs are run by teachers, coaches or other people who have expertise in such areas. They may run as an after school or lunchtime club.
At St Mary’s, we have enjoyed participating in many sporting competitions over the years and children from different year groups are encouraged to participate. Competitions are sometimes held during school hours or at lunchtimes or after school. Children are encouraged to compete against themselves and each other to improve their own performance levels in team games and at an annual Sports Day. The school also plays regular fixtures against other local schools and competes regularly through the National School Games programme of activities. This introduces a competitive element to team games, and allows the children to put into practice the skills that they have developed in their lessons. These opportunities foster a sense of team spirit and cooperation amongst our children.
The impact of our PE curriculum can be seen by talking to the children about their interest in this subject and seeing evidence in their class scrapbooks, School PE scrapbook, our competitive record and participation locally, achievements in the School Games programme (achieving Gold standard consistently), our School Sports Day, Play Leaders, Sports Clubs and participation, Active Lunchtimes, Daily Mile, Sports Committee and Sporting displays.
Teacher’s use formative assessment methods to identify children’s understanding such as activity trackers, team games, individual skill sessions, performances. Children’s attainment is updated on Target Tracker throughout the year and attainment steps are updated termly. This allows the class teacher and subject lead to monitor the progress of all children across the school.
PE is monitored by the subject leader each term and the outcomes inform action planning and the SDP.
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PE Long Term Plan.pdf |
Intent, Implementation and Impact Statement for Physical Education.
At St Mary’s CofE Primary we believe that every child should develop an enjoyment of Physical Education (PE). As a school we strive to develop physical competence and promote physical development whilst encouraging all pupils to take advantage of the range of activities available at and through links with our school.
We aim to:
Value |
Respect |
In PE, children will: · Listen respectfully · Collaborate · Co-operate · Learn to treat others with tolerance and respect · Follow instructions The PE curriculum will: Teach our pupils the importance of safe and respectful relationships in sport. It will have a local, national and global dimension and promote mutual respect and understanding by learning about a wide range of global sports and activities. We will also play and compete regularly at a local level and compare results nationally.
Responsibility |
In PE, children will: · Take responsibility for their health and wellbeing · Be kind and gentle when playing with others · Abide by agreed and established rules The PE curriculum will: Help us to recognise the responsibility of our actions on our own health and well being. We will be encouraged to make important choices for our own and others health benefits through options such as active lunchtimes and activity trackers.
Creativity |
In PE, children will: · Problem solve · Find patterns · Make sporting and health observations · Ask questions The PE curriculum will: Promote problem solving and observation skills and will encourage children to use their own initiative when playing and taking part in physical activity.
Perseverance |
In PE, children will: · Be resilient · Persevere · Fail and try again · Give their best effort The PE curriculum will: Offer challenges through first hand experiences as well as learning to appreciate and utilise inner strength within themselves and others when taking part in physical activity.
Wisdom |
In PE, children will: · Question · Think about how they learn best · Make good choices about their actions The PE curriculum will: Encourage children to make good choices with their actions. It will regularly provide opportunities and activities that require thought and explanation.
PE is taught for a minimum of two hours of discreet teaching every week for the Year groups 1-6. Our planning covers and includes the following main areas as outlined in the National Curriculum: games, gymnastics, dance, athletics, outdoor and adventurous activities (OAA) and swimming and water safety. We also make strong links with other subjects such as PSHE to include and reinforce key messages about the importance of our physical and mental health and wellbeing.
We use a variety of teaching and learning styles in PE lessons. Our principal aim is to develop the children’s knowledge, skills and understanding, and we do this through a mixture of whole-class teaching and individual or group activities. Teachers draw attention to good examples of individual performance as models for the other children, and we encourage the children to evaluate their own work as well as the work of other children.
Within lessons, we give the children the opportunity both to collaborate and to compete with each other, and they have the opportunity to use a wide range of resources. As well as following schemes of work to ensure that children are active and learn appropriate sporting skills, PE at St Mary’s is also clearly evident outside of set lesson times. Coaches are welcomed into school as often as possible to develop children’s skills in different sports such as Tennis and we provide Activity sessions during lunchtimes for all pupils. All year groups, also take part in the Daily Mile initiative.
The school endeavours to provide as wide a range as possible of extra-curricular PE activities. St Mary’s runs various sporting clubs including athletics, cross country, tennis, cricket, football and multi-skills and games club. Clubs are run by teachers, coaches or other people who have expertise in such areas. They may run as an after school or lunchtime club.
At St Mary’s, we have enjoyed participating in many sporting competitions over the years and children from different year groups are encouraged to participate. Competitions are sometimes held during school hours or at lunchtimes or after school. Children are encouraged to compete against themselves and each other to improve their own performance levels in team games and at an annual Sports Day. The school also plays regular fixtures against other local schools and competes regularly through the National School Games programme of activities. This introduces a competitive element to team games, and allows the children to put into practice the skills that they have developed in their lessons. These opportunities foster a sense of team spirit and cooperation amongst our children.
The impact of our PE curriculum can be seen by talking to the children about their interest in this subject and seeing evidence in their class scrapbooks, School PE scrapbook, our competitive record and participation locally, achievements in the School Games programme (achieving Gold standard consistently), our School Sports Day, Play Leaders, Sports Clubs and participation, Active Lunchtimes, Daily Mile, Sports Committee and Sporting displays.
Teacher’s use formative assessment methods to identify children’s understanding such as activity trackers, team games, individual skill sessions, performances. Children’s attainment is updated on Target Tracker throughout the year and attainment steps are updated termly. This allows the class teacher and subject lead to monitor the progress of all children across the school.
PE is monitored by the subject leader each term and the outcomes inform action planning and the SDP.
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PE Long Term Plan.pdf |