Sport Premium

In 2023-24 we will receive £17,700 in P.E. sports premium funding; a plan of how we intend to spend the money and the impact of spending in previous years, can be seen in the documents below.

Sport is very important at St. Mary’s and we are proud of our achievements.


The impact of the grant has seen positive attitudes towards P.E including children making choices of exercise at playtimes. Our PE clubs are always full and many children do sport outside of school; often as a result of their in-school experiences. 

Our Sporting achievements include:

  • County Girls Cricket Champions
  • County Tennis Champions
  • County Netball Champions
  • County Rounders Runners-Up
  • County Athletics Finalist
  • County Football Champions
  • County Cross Country Champions

Extra curricular sporting clubs include:

  • Athletics
  • Multi-sports
  • Football
  • Cross Country
  • Gymnastics
  • Cricket/ rounders
  • Tennis

For full details of how we use our sports premium, please click on the file below:

St Marys Sports Premium 2023-2024.pdf .pdf
Reporting PE and sport premium grant expenditure.pdf .pdf