The governing body has appointed governors with special responsibilities who each keep detailed knowledge of their area of responsibility through regular monitoring visits. They do not have any delegated  decision-making powers, the decision-making rests with the whole governing body. Please click here for an overview of how St Mary's Governing Body operates and of role descriptions for governors with special responsibilities.


Chair Justin Berkeley
Vice Chair Elaine Mayhew and Sophie Bingham

Attainment, Progress and Curriculum

Chris Pattern, Sophie Bingham & Ambra Carretta
Finance and Personnel (including Premises) Justine Berkeley
Safeguarding Veronica Howe
Looked After Children Veronica Howe
Children with special education needs or disabilities Chris Pattern
Pupil Premium and Free School Meals children Lucy Jackson
Performance Management Elaine Mayhew, Veronica Howe
Values and Spirituality Father Nigel, Elaine Mayhew and Veronica Howe
Sports Premium Vacancy
Health and Safety Ceri Walker, Elaine mayhew and Sophie Bingham
Wellbeing Zoe Reavill


The following committees will be appointed as required:

Hearings and Appeals: Committee can be appointed if required

Pupil Discipline: Committee can be appointed if required

Admissions: Committee to be appointed on an annual basis