The governing body has appointed governors with special responsibilities who each keep detailed knowledge of their area of responsibility through regular monitoring visits. They do not have any delegated decision-making powers, the decision-making rests with the whole governing body. Please click here for an overview of how St Mary's Governing Body operates and of role descriptions for governors with special responsibilities.
Chair | Justin Berkeley |
Vice Chair | Elaine Mayhew and Sophie Bingham |
Attainment, Progress and Curriculum |
Chris Pattern, Sophie Bingham & Ambra Carretta |
Finance and Personnel (including Premises) | Justine Berkeley |
Safeguarding | Veronica Howe |
Looked After Children | Veronica Howe |
Children with special education needs or disabilities | Chris Pattern |
Pupil Premium and Free School Meals children | Lucy Jackson |
Performance Management | Elaine Mayhew, Veronica Howe |
Values and Spirituality | Father Nigel, Elaine Mayhew and Veronica Howe |
Sports Premium | Vacancy |
Health and Safety | Ceri Walker, Elaine mayhew and Sophie Bingham |
Wellbeing | Zoe Reavill |
The following committees will be appointed as required:
Hearings and Appeals: Committee can be appointed if required
Pupil Discipline: Committee can be appointed if required
Admissions: Committee to be appointed on an annual basis