Looked After Children


The values of St. Mary’s School are respect, responsibility, creativity, perseverance and wisdom and our mission statement is ‘love your neighbour as you love yourself’; the sentiment of developing self-respect in order to respect others underpins all we do.

Nationally, Looked After Children significantly underachieve and are at greater risk of exclusion compared with their peers. We aim to provide these children with the knowledge and skills they need to be successful, enthusiastic learners and responsible individuals by providing a positive, safe and stimulating environment where all are included and achievements are celebrated.


 Looked After Children (LAC) are defined as:

·       Children or young people who are the subject of a Care Order or Interim Care Order under the Children Act 1989.

·       Children who are placed in foster care, children’s residential homes, with relatives or friends, in semi-independent or supported independent accommodation.

·       Children subject to a Care or Interim Care Order whilst placed with a parent, where the LA has parental responsibility.

·       Children who are not subject to an order, but are accommodated by the LA under an agreement with their parents or respite care.



 Previously - Looked After Children (PLAC) are defined as:

·       Children who are no longer looked after by an LA in England and Wales because they have either been adopted or are the subject of an adoption, special guardianship or child arrangements order.

·       Children who were adopted outside England and Wales from ‘state care’ (care that is provided by a public authority, religious organisation, or other organisation whose main purpose is to benefit society).


For more information: https://www.suffolk.gov.uk/children-families-and-learning/children-in-care-and-care-leavers

Looked After Children Documents

Looked After Children Policy September 2023.pdf .pdf

Looked After Children


The values of St. Mary’s School are respect, responsibility, creativity, perseverance and wisdom and our mission statement is ‘love your neighbour as you love yourself’; the sentiment of developing self-respect in order to respect others underpins all we do.

Nationally, Looked After Children significantly underachieve and are at greater risk of exclusion compared with their peers. We aim to provide these children with the knowledge and skills they need to be successful, enthusiastic learners and responsible individuals by providing a positive, safe and stimulating environment where all are included and achievements are celebrated.


 Looked After Children (LAC) are defined as:

·       Children or young people who are the subject of a Care Order or Interim Care Order under the Children Act 1989.

·       Children who are placed in foster care, children’s residential homes, with relatives or friends, in semi-independent or supported independent accommodation.

·       Children subject to a Care or Interim Care Order whilst placed with a parent, where the LA has parental responsibility.

·       Children who are not subject to an order, but are accommodated by the LA under an agreement with their parents or respite care.



 Previously - Looked After Children (PLAC) are defined as:

·       Children who are no longer looked after by an LA in England and Wales because they have either been adopted or are the subject of an adoption, special guardianship or child arrangements order.

·       Children who were adopted outside England and Wales from ‘state care’ (care that is provided by a public authority, religious organisation, or other organisation whose main purpose is to benefit society).


For more information: https://www.suffolk.gov.uk/children-families-and-learning/children-in-care-and-care-leavers

Looked After Children Documents

Looked After Children Policy September 2023.pdf .pdf

Looked After Children


The values of St. Mary’s School are respect, responsibility, creativity, perseverance and wisdom and our mission statement is ‘love your neighbour as you love yourself’; the sentiment of developing self-respect in order to respect others underpins all we do.

Nationally, Looked After Children significantly underachieve and are at greater risk of exclusion compared with their peers. We aim to provide these children with the knowledge and skills they need to be successful, enthusiastic learners and responsible individuals by providing a positive, safe and stimulating environment where all are included and achievements are celebrated.


 Looked After Children (LAC) are defined as:

·       Children or young people who are the subject of a Care Order or Interim Care Order under the Children Act 1989.

·       Children who are placed in foster care, children’s residential homes, with relatives or friends, in semi-independent or supported independent accommodation.

·       Children subject to a Care or Interim Care Order whilst placed with a parent, where the LA has parental responsibility.

·       Children who are not subject to an order, but are accommodated by the LA under an agreement with their parents or respite care.



 Previously - Looked After Children (PLAC) are defined as:

·       Children who are no longer looked after by an LA in England and Wales because they have either been adopted or are the subject of an adoption, special guardianship or child arrangements order.

·       Children who were adopted outside England and Wales from ‘state care’ (care that is provided by a public authority, religious organisation, or other organisation whose main purpose is to benefit society).


For more information: https://www.suffolk.gov.uk/children-families-and-learning/children-in-care-and-care-leavers

Looked After Children Documents

Looked After Children Policy September 2023.pdf .pdf