Extra resources for home learning

BBC Live Lesson Schedule

BBC_Live_Lessons.pdf .pdf

Children's Mental Health Week 1. 02.2021

This week is Children's Mental Health week. This year's theme is EXPRESS YOURSELF and we would like to encourage our community to take part. What creative ways can you express your feelings, thoughts and ideas? Maybe you could create an Art masterpiece, choreograph your own spectacular dance routine, learn a new song to sing, get outside and photograph your local area etc.

Or you could try the simple activity below called 'Draw your feelings.' 
There are also other great activities on the Place 2 B website. 
The BBC has some super ideas and clips on their website. The Super Mood Movers are a great way to start the day.
We would love to see what you are up to so please email in any pictures of how you chose to get creative and Express Yourself: Year2@stmarysprimary.co.uk 

Music lovers may be interested in the Classic FM resources:



Oak Academy Library

Oak Academy have introduced a library. there is a featured author each week with access to an online book. Find out about this amazing resource here: https://library.thenational.academy/


Safer Internet Day 9th February

Materials for families can be found here:


Mrs Clark's keeping active suggestions!

Please find a list of ideas below tor ways to keep children active and to help with their emotional health and wellbeing during the next few weeks. I'd love to see what you are up to so please email in any photos of the children taking part in fitness activities. 
Send photographs to me at: Year2@stmaryspromary.co.uk
Joe Wicks will  PE workouts next week. They will be live at 9am on a Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
Try some of the brilliant 60 second challenges set by Youth Sport Trust.
Change for life has some brilliant tips and ideas for mental well being, recipes and activity.
I know lots of you enjoyed Cosmic Yoga last lockdown. Here's the link if you want to have a go:
The BBC have a great range of songs and dances with premier stars that help look at key mental health messages too. 

Miss Darnell's suggestions for musical activities




Mr. Morgan's signing into Google Classrooms tutorial

     Signing in to Google Classrooms tutorial