

Learning about Ancient Egypt at Ipswich Museum

Intent, Implementation and Impact Statement for History


At St Mary’s C of E Primary, we want our history curriculum to inspire and ignite our pupils’ curiosity to know more about Britain’s past and the wider world. We are dedicated to enhancing children’s knowledge and understanding about the life of people who lived before them as well as educating them about chronology and the process of change. The history curriculum will equip the children to ask perceptive questions, think critically, weigh evidence, sift arguments and develop perspective and judgment.

Our history curriculum reflects our five school values.




In history, children will:

·         Listen respectfully

·         Empathise

·         Collaborate

·         Co-operate

The history curriculum will:

Provide opportunities to begin to understand the complexity of people’s lives, the diversity of societies and relationships between different groups, as well as their own identity and the challenges of their time.



In history, children will:

·         Include others in group tasks.

·         Take responsibility for researching safely online.

The history curriculum will:

Provide opportunities to work collaboratively in pairs and groups to develop their historical skills of chronology, knowledge and understanding, enquiry and interpretation. Children will use web- based resources alongside primary sources and artefacts to find out about the past.




In history, children will:

·         Imagine

·         Find patterns

·         Make careful observations

The history curriculum will:

Promote curiosity, imagination and an appreciation of artefacts and pictorial sources and the skills required to create them.

Provide children with the opportunity to use their creativity to communicate their knowledge in different ways.


In history children will:

·         Be resilient

·         Persevere

·         Fail and try again

·         Give their best effort

The history curriculum will:

Offer challenges through first- hand experiences.



In history, children will:

·         Question

·         Debate

·         Think about how they learn best

·         Understand democracy

The history curriculum will:

Offer opportunities to ask and answer questions, including their own. Provide children with the opportunities to think critically and form their own opinions and interpretations about past events, through evaluating evidence as well as discussion.



History is taught discretely and is blocked throughout the year so children can achieve depth in their learning. Links are made with other subjects in the curriculum when they arise.

Teachers have identified the key knowledge and historical skills to be taught in each topic, in line with the National Curriculum, and consideration has been given to ensure progression across topics and throughout each year group.

Key vocabulary is identified through knowledge organisers, highlighted to children during lessons and revisited through quizzes.

History lessons begin with recall activities to activate and embed prior learning.

A variety of different application activities, which cater for a range of learning styles, are used to develop the historical skills of chronology, knowledge and understanding, enquiry and interpretation.

Children are given opportunities to learn about the past from a range of historical sources and a variety of reference books, and materials accessible through technology. Artefacts are used where possible.

Learning in history is enhanced through a variety of trips and visitors such as the Stone Age living history day which takes place in Year 3.

The local area is fully utilised wherever possible. For example, Year 1 investigate building in the local area, Year 5 visit Sutton Hoo when learning about the Anglo Saxons. 


The impact of our history curriculum can be seen by talking to the children about their interest in this subject and seeing evidence in their books, on learning walls in classrooms and on displays around the school.

Teacher’s use formative assessment methods to identify children’s understanding such as KWI grids, quizzes, PNI grids and discussion. Planned, individual writing opportunities provide an opportunity for the children to communicate what they have learnt t the end of the topic.

Children’s attainment is updated on Target Tracker throughout the year and attainment steps are updated termly. This allows the class teacher and subject lead to monitor the progress of all children across the school.

History is monitored by the subject leader each term and the outcomes inform action planning and the SDP.



History Documents

Long Term Plan For History and Geography St Marys C of E School Woodbridge.pdf .pdf
Knowledge Plan for History.pdf .pdf
Rising Stars History Progression of skills map 1.xlsx .xlsx