
Ofsted is the Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills and they inspect schools to assess levels of teaching and learning. School inspections are required by law and Ofsted produce a guide for parents explaining their role and how they work. Our school details with Ofsted are here

Our most recent inspection took place in July 2024; the school was judged as good.  You can read our inspection report by clicking here.


Pupils feel part of a family. They know that if they need support, caring staff will help them deal with their concerns. The school is an exciting place to be. It provides pupils with a carefully planned and rich range of extra-curricular clubs, visits and visitors. The school is ambitious for all pupils, including those pupils with SEND. The school has high expectations of behaviour. Pupils understand these and seek to do their best to meet them. Pupils treat each other and adults, with kindness and respect.

 OFSTED July 2024



As a Church of England school, we are inspected under the Church of England Education Office's framework for the Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools (SIAMS). 

Our most recent inspection took place in March 2018; the school was judged as good overall and received an outstanding judgement for the teaching and learning in Religious Education.


"The strong promotion of Christian values has a direct impact on pupils’ excellent behaviour and their social, moral, spiritual and cultural development." SIAMS March 2018


Read the full report by clicking here.